Teen Quami Nazria by Amjad Ali Raja

About The Author

Amjad Ali Raja

Amjad Ali Raja

Amjad Ali Raja

Amjad Ali Raja

Amjad Ali Raja is one of the modern dramatists and poets of Urdu and Hindko Languages. In his writings, he not only describes social problems but also offers practical solutions. He considers it his duty as a writer to educate society morally in an entertaining and critical manner, and this aspect is the real spirit of his plays and other writings.

His famous drama “تین قومی نظریہ” (Three National Theory) not only offers a solution to solve the Kashmir issue at the international level but also raises political, social and economic awareness among the people of both countries so that they struggle as a nation to achieve their basic human rights.

In his book “چھام”, the problems of the society are described in depth in each drama and the solutions to these problems are described in detail which is definitely the result of his positive thinking and imagination.

Apart from drama writing, he is also involved in the field of drama and film direction. Along with acting skills, he also has a perfect grasp of the technical nuances of theater.

Amjad Ali Raja is a poet of both Urdu and Hindko languages. His poetry book “اضطراب” has received praise from the readers and soon a book of humorous poetry will be available for readers.

Amjad Ali Raja also teaches acting online across the country. Apart from this, his valuable services are for the promotion and development of art and culture and knowledge and literature.